
With a teaching education from the University of Borås, you develop the knowledge and abilities you need in the work to stimulate children and young people to learn. In all our teacher training programmes, we work with the local learning outcomes that are special for Borås: inclusion, information retrieval, aesthetic learning processes, sustainable development, and digital competencies.

An inspiring teacher elevates students to a higher potential than they thought possible. We give you the tools to become that teacher!

For those of you who are already teachers, we offer further training in the form of Master's programmes and freestanding courses. In this way, you can develop and deepen your knowledge as schools and society change.

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Courses (2)

Courses Credits Location Term
English: Second Language Acquisition 7.5
No obligatory attendance
World English 7.5
No obligatory attendance

Courses (2)


Credits Location Term
No obligatory attendance
Credits Location Term
No obligatory attendance