Reimbursement for medical expenses

High-cost protection

According to the collective agreement, registration of your healthcare costs is to be made using a high-cost protection card. Only the fees relating to visits to publicly funded providers are reimbursed. This applies to both medical care and physiotherapy. 

High-cost protection means that you as a patient should not pay more than SEK 1,400 over a 12-month period for visits to the public healthcare system or for dental visits where you pay according to the healthcare rate. As some healthcare providers register visits digitally, your high-cost protection card does not need to be presented to your employer.

The pharmaceutical benefit is always digitally registered no matter which pharmacy been used.

To receive reimbursement, you must make a registration in Primula using the menu choice Medical expenses. Receipts are to be scanned and attached to the case in Primula. No receipts should be sent to HR Payroll; they are for you to keep.  All reimbursements are subject to tax. The receipts must not be older than two years at the time of registration.


The part that includes pharmaceutical benefits, also called self-charge or high-cost benefit, is reimbursed by the employer.  Documentation are available to download from E-Hälsomyndigheten. Prescription receipt is not valid.

Medical care

You will receive reimbursement for your medical appointments with all publicly funded providers. Medical care also includes dental care in cases in which treatment is performed in hospitals or at a dentistry faculty (university). Mental health treatment is also reimbursed but you should have been referred for treatment by a doctor and it must be provided by a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, or psychotherapist. You will be reimbursed by a maximum of SEK 95 per visit.*


Physiotherapy treatment refers to treatment which, after referral from a doctor (or a doctor’s certificate), is provided by a licensed physiotherapist. You will be reimbursed by a maximum of SEK 55 per visit.*


Hospitalisation is reimbursed by SEK 70 for each day of care.

* If, in connection with a doctor or physiotherapist visit, you reach the high-cost protection amount, you can only be reimbursed for the amount left before the limit was reached. Example: If a visit cost you 50 SEK and you then reached the high-cost protection amount, you can only receive reimbursement for 50 SEK even if the visit would have cost more without the high-cost protection.