New goals and strategies for the university

It was on 9 December 2020 that the Governing Board of the University of Borås made a formal decision regarding the new document, “Goals and strategies for the University of Borås 2021–2025.” These goals will be in effect beginning with the financial year 2021.

“It is gratifying that we can now present the goals and strategies that will guide the university over the coming years. These goals and strategies, in combination with our vision statement, affect all employees in their daily work as well as the direction the university takes in the future,” said Vice-Chancellor Mats Tinnsten. 

The continuing process

Work is now beginning at the university to take these goals and strategies further. Faculties and departments will continue to work with the document and the operational plans for the current period will be influenced by these new goals and strategies.

“This document is not to be something that just sits on a shelf, but is to be actively used in university operations. There is a plan for how this will work and now the implementation work will begin,” he continued.

Goal: The attractive university

In order to meet the challenges and expectations that higher education and research face, it is important that the University of Borås be an attractive university. The attractive university affirms and encourages free and critical thinking, questions established truths, and challenges and participates in the public debate with a scientific approach. At an attractive university, different opinions and competencies are respected and there is the ability to have a constructive discussion based on facts. The attractive university takes responsibility for the future and the goals formulated in Agenda 2030. This means that a global perspective and gender mainstreaming are clear aspects of education and research. The attractive university is attractive to both present and future students and staff. The attractive university conducts its work together with external partners in the public sector, business and industry, and cultural life.

“With this goal, we have emphasised academic freedom while showing the responsibility we take for the future. This is a fundamentally important goal for us at the university and it will be very exciting to see how we as an organisation can work strategically so that we take important steps towards fulfilling it.”

Goal: Complete academic environments 2.0

To ensure the high quality of education and research at the University of Borås, the university is to consist of complete academic environments. A complete academic environment is characterised by a balance and a close relationship between education and research with degree-awarding powers at all levels of education. A complete academic environment is characterised by nationally and internationally recognised environments as well as sustainable development, gender equality, and internationalisation in accordance with Agenda 2030. A complete academic environment has well-developed collaborations with the surrounding society and a balance between research that is externally funded and that receives direct government funding.

“This goal is an important concept that we want to continue to adhere to closely, but at the same time, we want there to be renewal within the goals themselves, hence the 2.0. Most of you recognise the concept from previous goals and strategy documents, but now we want to take further steps in that direction. This goal also includes our ambition to achieve full university status, which persists,” he said.


The following strategies should be used to achieve the goals:

  • Digitalisation
  • Continually developing distinctive education and research
  • Environments for learning
  • Together and in collaboration

“These strategies will help us to achieve the goals and, in the long run, support our university’s vision. In this context, we can probably say that thanks to the pandemic, we have gotten off to a flying start when it comes to digitalisation work. Important going forward will, of course, be the balance between campus and distance education in the new normal. I am convinced that all of our strategies will generate exciting work here at the university in the future,” concluded Mats Tinnsten.


The Governing Board of the University of Borås formally decided in February 2020 to adopt a new vision statement for the university. These new goals and strategies have been developed based on the vision statement and an analysis of the world around us and the current situation. The document was initially called "Education and research strategy."

Read more

Take a look at the entire document "Goals and strategies for the University of Borås 2021–2025" via the Registrar’s Office, Reg. 601-20 (Swedish only).