Changes in exam registration for students
Students must still register for courses in Ladok, but registration for exams will take place from 3 May in KronoX. This applies to all exams that are administered centrally: written examinations on campus, Zoom-supervised exams in PING PONG, and digital exams in WISEflow, regardless of whether there is supervision.
“An advantage of the switch to using KronoX is that student will receive an email when registration opens, another email with a reminder before the last date to register, and a confirmation email when they have registered,” said Mattias Hjertén, Administrator at the Student Centre.
Students must still register for exams no later than 10 days before they take place.
At the same time as this change in examination registration takes place, there will also be a change in Ladok for the students. The interface is changed and the name is changed to "Ladok for students".
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Johanna Avadahl / Translation: Eva Medin
Suss Wilén