Meet the Student Union of Borås!

What does the Student Union of Borås do?
“We make sure students’ voices are heard. We actively work on monitoring the quality of the university’s educational programmes and ensure that students receive a valuable education. We make sure that students aren’t alone and offer support whenever there is a need for help or advice. We also work with questions concerning the campus environment, safety regulations, and the students’ well-being.”
You also arrange social activities. Tell us more about that!
“Some of the social things we do is arranging the Introduction weeks for all new students, offering breakfasts for our members once a month, and doing fun events for our members. All to help them to have a good time during their time as a student.”
Why should students get involved with the Student Union of Borås?
“We think it’s good for all students to get engaged in what we do, because all students have an opinion about their education, and here they have a place where they can voice it. Through actively engaging in their education, students have the chance to improve the university and quality of their education for themselves and future students.”
As a new board, what do you hope to achieve?
“We want to show students the importance of actively becoming involved and improving their studies and their time at the University of Borås. Additionally, we are excited to bring people together again by hosting fun, enriching, and interesting events, as soon as the pandemic eases. We also want to focus on improving the health of students.”
What’s the best thing about the Student Union of Borås?
“The community! You always have someone to turn to, both the board and fellow members. Whoever you are, the Student Union of Borås will always have a place for you.”
If you want to know more about the Student Union of Borås or join them, please visit
Lydia Andersson