New goals in place for sustainable development, internationalisation, and external engagement

In December 2020, the Governing Board of the University of Borås formally decided to adopt new university-wide goals and strategies. These goals are "The attractive university" and "Complete academic environments 2.0."
In parallel, work has been underway to develop goals in relation to external engagement, sustainable development, and internationalisation. These are goals shared by the entire university, the purpose of which is to fulfil the university's vision statement and the above-mentioned goals.
“We need goals regarding these dimensions so that we can assess whether our strategies and action plans are leading towards what we have in mind. The goals point the way, the strategies show how we will get there, and the action plans indicate the pace. Each Faculty can choose the strategy or strategies best suited for where the work should begin there,” said Mats Tinnsten, Vice-Chancellor.
Are there other dimensions that are just as important, if not more?
“Equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming are, of course, also very important dimensions and the work to implement these in approximately the same form is in full swing,” he said.
The goals in their entirety
Here is a brief description of the goals within these three dimensions. You can read more about these goals, their background, as well as approaches to them on the website; a link can be found below (Swedish only).
University-wide goal for sustainable development
- The University of Borås integrates both sustainable development and the goals of Agenda 2030 into our educational programmes and research in each subject and competence area.
- The University of Borås is notable in its sustainable use of resources internally and in relation to society. Commitment from leadership, employees, and students underpins our work in this area.
University-wide goal for external engagement
- The University of Borås is recognised for having both versatile and high-quality engagement with society at large that promotes links with the world of work as well as the societal relevance of our educational programmes and research.
- The University of Borås is an active partner in society's long-term knowledge development as well as renewal and works together with a diversity of partners to promote the societal benefit and quality of our educational programmes and research.
University-wide goal for internationalisation
- The University of Borås is an internationally attractive university where internationalisation contributes to high quality in our educational programmes and research.
- The University of Borås is an active partner in international knowledge development, equipping students and staff to contribute to sustainable development.
Read more
Webpage with more information about these goals (Only in Swedish, English translation is on the way)
Webpage about the university’s vision, goals, and strategies
Sustainable development policy (Reg. no. 512-15) (Only in Swedish)
Policy for internationalisation (Reg. no. 738-18)
Policy for external engagement at the University of Borås (Reg. no. 689-18) (contact the Registrar’s Office)
Anna Kjellsson, translation: Eva Medin
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