
The Faculties are responsible for ensuring that students are aware of the rules and guidelines that exist regarding the use of texts. It is also your responsibility as a student to familiarise yourself with the rules that are in place.

Copyright protection

The university has an agreement with the text comparison system called Urkund.

To help those who have not previously written academic texts, there is a guide available:

“A guide to writing academic texts: how to use previously published material.”  (PDF)

You can also get more information from the university staff who have a special responsibility for student law issues:

The University of Borås works to prevent and deter various forms of cheating. For both students and teaching staff, there is a website, in Swedish and English, available via Canvas. This website provides all the information you need about academic writing, citing sources, reference management, and disciplinary action in the event of cheating and plagiarism.

Anti-Plagiarism Guide (external link)

See also Urkund's (Ouriginals) Plagiarism Handbook where tips and advice are available to students. (Owner of the documentation: Ouriginal/Prio Infocenter AB