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10 hits found that matched the filter options

Responsibility for knowledge - to develop a student role

There is a need to collectively and jointly work on how we receive our students, introduce them to an adequate student role that creates responsibility and independence and that builds a common understanding of the mutual rights and obligations of teachers and students when it comes to setting mutual expectations. This project aims to investigate and propose ways the Academy of library, information, education and IT can foster student and faculty development towards these aims.


Last updated: 2023-03-13

Children's participation in leisure activities

This ULF project takes place in collaboration with the city of Borås and aims to draw attention to children's perspective on the leisure activities they participate in. Based on their lived experiences, a concrete development area will be identified and defined to increase children's participation, an action will be implemented and followed up, and finally a reflection about the experiences of the action will be done.


Last updated: 2023-04-24

Professionally developed digital learning objects in distance education

The aim of the project is to develop models for the professional development of digital learning objects in courses for professionals. We know that the quality requirements for education that are aimed at companies are high in terms of not only content, but also format, form and flexibility. The starting point is that professionally designed interactive learning objects increase the quality, both in the teaching material and for the course participants' opportunities for learning and participation.


Last updated: 2020-06-29