Booking of dining rooms


  • All food must be ordered from the restaurant. You are not allowed to bring your own food in the restaurant.
  • The food must be booked at least one week before the due date

If you want to book daytime Monday to Friday all booking goes through the restaurant .If you prefer to bring your own food, we suggest using the lunch rooms at each academy. Check availability with your academy. (these rooms are not booked through the form)

Remember to tidy the room and pick up after you.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

I would like to book one of the following rooms *

Processing of personal data

When you fill in and submit the form, personal data may be processed.

The information filled in the form is sent directly to in mail form. Information received will be a public document and will be handled in accordance with administrative law principles.

  • Responsible for personal data processing is the University of Borås.
  • The purpose of the treatment is the booking of dining rooms
  • Those using and taking part of the information are campus service and restaurant balder.
  • Processing takes place as long as the case is ongoing and the information is then archived.

More information about what rights you have can be found in the university's privacy policy.