VFT-funding for verification – Application preparation

Validation for Application (VFT) is a VINNOVA-funded innovation programme, focusing on the commercial potential of new ideas, predominantly based on academic research results. By evaluating and examining research results, innovations and novelties (crucial pre-patenting processes) – as well as the market and competition – the prerequisites for a successful product development are clarified, which is a crucial foundation for business planning.

The university’s Grants and Innovation Office (GIO), collaborates with Chalmers’ Innovation Office and other universities in Region Västra Götaland; this form of collaboration offers eligible parties the opportunity to apply for validation funding, known as VFT funds. Borås University’s researchers and students, as well as university employees, are welcome to apply for VFT-funding.

Contact the university's innovation advisors if you have an innovative idea or developed a new method, product, or process. The university's innovation advisors provide information about the application process and assists you with support in connection with the preparation of an application for VFT funds.

Chalmers Innovation Office pitches cases at preparation meetings (Mondays); while weekly decision meetings are held Thursdays. We look forward to receiving your application!

Contact GIO:s Innovation Advisor Anders Karlsson for more information regarding the validation process. If you plan to apply for validation funding, the application form has diary number 199-23.