Writing a Thesis

In most cases, a degree project is conducted as full-time study corresponding to 15 or 30 ECTS during the last part of the respective programme's final term and in most cases comprises the following components:

  • Registration for a degree project course
  • Project description
  • Implementation of work
  • Oral presentation
  • Thesis defence
  • Written report
  • Postings, showing, exhibition or other public presentation
  • Submission and archiving of thesis as per instructions

A degree project can be conducted individually or by a group of students. The guidelines for this vary between the different programmes.

Before an individual student may register for the degree project course, the student must meet the existing prerequisites, which vary between programmes. The prerequisites can be found in the relevant course syllabus. If a student does not fulfil the prerequisites, it is possible to apply for an exemption by contacting the respective programme supervisor.

When you submit your written thesis, it is important that you have complied with the rules that exist with regard to spelling, linguistic usage and how to make references to various sources. Here, you can find a number of links to web pages that can be of assistance. The course supervisor for the degree projects will provide further information regarding rules and guidelines at the start of the course. Read more about writing technique and formal requirements here.

All reports submitted for examination at the University undergo the Urkund (Ouriginal) plagiarism control. Read more about plagiarism here.