Textile Testing Lab

The Textile Testing Lab is used in education and research to evaluate materials and textile constructions using a wide range of quality tests. Companies also have the opportunity to come to the lab for training purposes.

In the lab, researchers can verify the properties of prototypes developed in various research projects and students can have the opportunity to learn how textile testing equipment works, which is a great advantage when they go out into the working world.

The Textile Testing Lab, with its wide range of testing equipment, offers opportunities not easy to find elsewhere in Sweden. Most quality testing today takes place in the countries of production, leaving little understanding of what the results actually say and mean. Our lab gives you the opportunity to test, interpret, and analyse results on the spot. It gives students and researchers a unique opportunity to both learn more about testing techniques and to use the equipment in their projects.

Resources in the lab

Among other things:

  • Tensile testing
  • Martindale (abrasion testing)
  • Bundesmann (water repellence testing)
  • Gyrowash (colour fastness and laundering testing)
  • Xenotest (lightfastness testing)


Sofie Morsten, Teaching Technician