The university is ready to receive researchers from Afghanistan

At the initiative of Scholars at Risk (SAR) – Sweden, Sida has decided to finance a support programme in Sweden for 2022−2024. It will provide a dozen or so at-risk researchers from Afghanistan with temporary academic sanctuary at one of the 22 Swedish universities that is a member of Scholars at Risk.
Last year, the university's Faculties responded to a survey on whether they would be able to receive researchers in any of their subject areas, and the Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business and the Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare have said they are prepared to receive researchers from Afghanistan.
Veronica Trépagny, the university's representative in SAR-Sweden, explained more about what this means. “Researchers who are refugees or who are in a vulnerable situation, in this case Afghanistan, can report this to Scholars at Risk, which is headquartered in New York. This information is then distributed to our Swedish network and a match may take place.”
In general, when the university receives researchers within SAR, funding is applied for from SAR, which accounts for half of the expenses.
“In this Sida-funded programme, we receive up to 70 per cent of the costs. Normally, the arrangement is for about one year at a time. At the same time as giving the academic in a vulnerable position sanctuary for a period, the university can gain unique experiences and skills from a context that it would not otherwise have easily received,” she explained.
This Sida programme specifically allows researchers from Afghanistan to apply for funding and there are no restrictions regarding the area of research.
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In 2022, Veronica Trépagny will be part of a group that organises seminars on academic freedom in collaboration with other universities. If you want to know more, you are welcome to contact her.
News article published on the University of Gothenburg's website: Researchers from Afghanistan receive academic sanctuaries in Sweden
Solveig Klug, translator Eva Medin
Suss Wilén