Time to submit honorary doctor nominations

“Appointing honorary doctors is a way for us to recognise and honour people who have made particularly significant contributions that have contributed to the university's development”
Vice-Chancellor Mats Tinnsten
The university's future honorary doctors will be named in February 2024 and will be promoted at the Academic Ceremony on 3 May 2024.
Here's how to submit a nomination
Only employees at the university are allowed to submit nominations and thereafter it is the Research and Education Board and the Artistic Research and Education Board that, after discussion with the Vice-Chancellor, make decisions regarding appointments.
Nominations are submitted in a sealed envelope to the Reception desk in Balder or to any of the secretaries of the two boards, Anette Trennedal or Petri Granroth. Mark the envelope with "Nomination - honorary doctor." Please note that the nominees are not to be informed of their nominations. Submit your nomination no later than 3 January.
Describe the nominee using a maximum of 1,500 words.
- Describe clearly and rigorously the nominee's significant contributions and justify why the person should be appointed an honorary doctor
- Describe clearly and rigorously the nominee's professional background and any other awards received
- It is also important to indicate in which research area the person is proposed to be named an honorary doctor.
Who can be appointed an honorary doctor*
In order to be appointed honorary doctor, the person must be deemed to have contributed:
- significant professional achievements in any of the doctoral education areas for which the university has degree qualifications; professional accomplishments may apply to both academic work in relation to the subject and to innovative developments in relation to the professional with practical applications, and/or
- significant efforts linked to research, education, and other activities conducted within the university and where the person in question has or has had direct or indirect connection to the university.
It is not customary to appoint someone to be an honorary doctor at the same university where they received their degrees(s). The person should also not hold a doctorate from another Swedish university in the same area as the honorary doctorate.
* For details regarding nomination, see the policy document "Procedure for the Appointment of Honorary Doctors at the University of Borås" Reg. no. 639-19.
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Lina Färm
Suss Wilén