The university supports Borås Pride

From the university's management, Vice-Chancellor Mats Tinnsten and Dean of Faculty Stina Sundling, among others, will participate in the parade.

“With my participation, I manifest a society where the voice of love is stronger than that of hate”, commented Mats Tinnsten.

“Personally, I participate as it is an urgent and open manifestation for the rights of LGBTQI people. As a representative of the university's management, it is also an important symbolic act that shows that we put our value base into action, said Stina Sundling.

Join in the parade with us

The University of Borås, together with the Student Union of Borås, will participate in the Pride Parade on 1 July. Everyone is of course welcome to come along and join us. We will meet in Knalleland (Berglenagatan) at 15:00 and the parade starts at 16:00. Keep an eye out for our banner!