From Ancient Anatolian Crafts to Contemporary Designs - Kelly Konings' Proposal Selected

Running from April 2021 to June 2022, the 15-month project is financed by the European Union under the Grant Scheme for Common Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Dialogue between Turkey and the EU–II (CCH-II), with the partners Brumen Foundation, Slovenia and Traditional Arts Association, Turkey.  

Five traditional Anatolian crafts were selected. These were ceramics (Iznik style), felt making, quilting, stone carving, and inlaying. Designers from the European Union have been invited to send proposals to the call where they present reinterpretations of one or several Anatolian crafts. 10 have been selected and invited to Turkey to join the craftspeople in their workshops and create product prototypes. The projects will be exhibited in Istanbul and promoted throughout the EU and Turkey. 

Photo: Kelly Konings, student of the MA Programme in Textile and Fashion Design, Specialisation Textile Design.