How to create transparency of sustainability efforts in the global apparel, textiles and footwear industry.
For students, academics and all stakeholders focusing on sustainability and transparency of the apparel, textiles, and footwear industry
Thursday, 6 April 2017
10.00 – 12:30
Marketplace Borås, Textile Fashion Center
Skaraborgsvägen 3A, 50118 Borås
Transparency is the current buzzword in the apparel, textiles and footwear industry. The industry and the academic world agree transparency is a crucial driver for change and the demand for harmonized, comparable and trustworthy sustainability information is increasing. But what do we mean when we refer to transparency of sustainability efforts? Do we all have the same understanding? What are the expectations that should be met? How do we involve consumers in our efforts?
The Swedish School of Textiles and the Sustainable Apparel Coalition are excited to invite you to participate in an open stakeholder dialogue on this topic.
The goal of the conference is to engage a diverse group of expert stakeholders, including academics, students, industry experts, civil society, (inter)governmental organizations, NGOs, and many others in a dialogue, which will enable the participants to understand each others’ vision and expectations of successful transparency efforts.
Outputs will be used to support transparency of sustainability efforts in the global apparel, textiles and footwear industry.
To help facilitate this dialogue inspiring panelists will share their efforts and best practice examples.
The conference will be moderated by Professor Simonetta Carbonaro, Leader of The Design of Prosperity initiative at The Swedish School of Textiles University of Borås.
We are proud to confirm the participation of
- Bruno Pieters, Founder, Honest By
- Sofie Schop , Senior Manager Transparency Projects, Sustainable Apparel Coalition
- Hendrik Alpen, Sustainability Business Expert Stakeholder Engagement, H&M
- Sigrid Barnekow, Program Director, Mistra Future Fashion
- Sandy Black, Professor of Fashion and Textile Design and Technology, Center of Sustainable Fashion, London College of Fashion
- Sarah Ditty, Head of policy, Fashion Revolution
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