Activities for doctoral students

  • The international seminar series: ReSource organises online research seminars together with Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University, Canada and School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, respectively. Doctoral students from all three countries present their ongoing work and get feedback from their international peers and senior researchers. Dates for the seminars during the autumn term 2024: 17 October, 3pm-4pm and 12 December, 10am-11am.
  • The writing retreat: During the autumn term, a writing retreat is offered to all doctoral students. The writing retreat is made possible through the support of the Swedish Library Association. The next writing retreat will take place on the 24-25 October 2024. 
  • The Annual Swedish PhD Workshop in Information Studies: During spring terms, a workshop is organised where doctoral students are invited to submit work-in-progress to get feedback from senior researchers other than their supervisors, as well as other doctoral students. The next workshop will take place at Umeå University on the 27-28 of March 2025. 
  • Just Read and Write: doctoral students and senior researchers are invited to join monthly online reading and writing sessions.
  • Co-supervision and third reader: ReSource doctoral students have a co-supervisor from another participating institution or, alternatively, so-called third readers who offer feedback at pertinent stages of doctoral students’ studies.
  • Introductory and final meetings: The ReSource coordinator has individual meetings with all ReSource doctoral students at least twice during their studies. The introductory meeting focuses on the contributions and requirements of the doctoral school, while the final meeting focuses on feedback from the student and career planning.
  • Desk exchanges: ReSource doctoral students are offered the opportunity to spend at least two weeks during their studies at one of the participating schools/departments and/or at an international institution, and present their work-in-progress at the local seminar series.