7 February
The doctoral student Anna-Maria Petisme will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in ...
Jump to main content7 February
The doctoral student Anna-Maria Petisme will give notification of the date of her upcoming doctoral thesis defence in a “spikning” event, or the posting of a doctoral thesis, which is a traditional event in ...
10 February
Welcome to this SSLIS seminar on Public libraries addressing social problems: a new role in a reconfigured welfare society? with Sofia ...
21 February
Welcome to the public defense by Anna-Maria Petisme. Her doctoral thesis in Business Administration is titled "Conformity and Contradictions - Exploring Return Management and Sustainability in Fashion E-Retail ...
24 February
Welcome to this seminar, where we will briefly inform about the INCLUDE centre and then present ongoing research conducted within the ...
21 March
Welcome to this lunch seminar on Textile Fiber Development at Rise! Dr. Tobias Köhnke will give a talk on his research and his current investigations with the title of "Textile Fiber Development at Rise’". Within ...
14 April
Welcome to final seminar for Matilda Johansson & Sabrina Kopf within Research Recovery. Matilda Johansson: Valorizing Lignin: A Pathway to Sustainable and High-Performance Biocomposites Sabrina Kopf: ...
16 April
You are welcome to take part when Milad Parchami defends his doctoral thesis within Resource Recovery with the title: Bioconversion of Agro-food byproducts to Volatile Fatty Acids: A Sustainable Approach for Ruminant Feed ...
25 April
You are welcome to take part when Matilda Johansson defends her doctoral thesis within Resource Recovery with the title: Valorizing Lignin: A Pathway to Sustainable and High-Performance Biocomposites Link to the doctoral ...
9 May
The Academic Ceremony is a unique occasion when the university celebrates the work of our new professors, honorary doctors and doctors. We also celebrate those who have received the merit of Docent/Associate Professor and we award ...