
During the project a large number of reports have been produced. A few of them are presented below.

Training activities within PERICLES - a final report

While briefly outlining the training activities within the project, this report highlights a number of challenges and opportunities that emerged; the way in which some of these challenges were addressed in this project; and some lessons learnt.

Access the report here!

PMTP - Evaluation report

A main outcome of the training efforts within the project was the production of a set of training material called PERICLES Modular Training Package or PMTP. The actual collection can be found under the “Training Resources” tab. Here is a report that provides an overview of the contents of PMTP, the different measures for its evaluation, and an outline of its spread and use.

Read the report here!

PERICLES PhD Course - Dynamics of Knowledge Organisation

One of the results of the EU-FP7 funded project PERICLES was the concept and material for a PhD course developed as a part of work package 7 - Training. In this report the course and its results will be described. The course was organized by University of Borås with participation from project member CERTH in Greece.

The focus of the course is on the nature and role of knowledge organization in a rapidly changing digital world. It stresses that time series of content, prominently semantic content, have become the subject of intensive interest over the past two decades for as diverse subject areas as digital preservation, knowledge engineering, data science, natural language processing, or document engineering, to name but a few. Therefore this dynamics, something in the course called evolving semantics, is important for Library and Information Science as well because it influences our understanding of knowledge organization in a fundamental way.

Read the report here!

Addendum 6. Manual SemaDrift, Not included in the report file.


As part of the plans for creation of training material, the idea of MOOC production was initiated early on in the project. Several MOOC platforms were investigated and two versions of a course were prepared. The development of this MOOC is described and some insights are provided.

Read the report here!

Training Needs and Plans

As part of Work Package 7, Training a study was conducted to learn about training needs and based on the findings a Training Plan was drawn to define the training related activities within the project.

Read the report here!

Nestor PERICLES School

The nestor / PERICLES School 2016 took place from 15th to 17th of February 2016 in the Landesmusikakademie Hessen Schloss Hallenburg in Schlitz, Germany. The three-day training event was organised together with representatives from several FE and HE institutions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (the nestor qualification group).

Read further information about the Nestor PERICLES School here!