Are you ready?
Start date: 2025-01-01
End date: 2030-12-31
Sweden's ability to meet crises or disasters is affected by the current security situation. For this reason, it is of great importance that the health and medical system can provide knowledge-based, good, equitable and sustainable care even in situations where available resources are insufficient in relation to the acute care need and where the burden is so high that normal quality requirements for medical treatment can no longer be maintained despite adequate measures. There is an expectation that a specialist nurse should be able to provide good, advanced and safe care for the many people even when crises or disasters have occurred. At the same time, research shows that nurses, with or without specialist training, are not sufficiently prepared for this.
The current project aims to develop disaster medical preparedness by investigating specialist nurses within the acute care chain and their perceptions regarding meeting and managing crises or disasters in peacetime, at times of heightened alert and war. This is to ultimately develop knowledge that can strengthen specialist nurses' education and their competence in disaster medical preparedness.
More about related projects
Are you ready? The presence of education in disaster preparedness and civil defense
Project Leader
Henrik Andersson
Senior Lecturer
033-435 4745