Guests and guest account

You as an employee, not hourly employee, can create a temporary guest account for external guests. You create the guest account in the HBKAT portal. You can choose if the account is going to be valid for either 4 or 24 hours. If you wish to order a guest account that's longer than 24 hours, you can order it from IT Office by e-mail:

Create guest account

  1. Go to the address
  2. Log in with your username, password and authenticator code
  3. Choose Åtkomst/Access
  4. Choose Beställningar/Orders
  5. Choose Create guest account.
  6. Fill in the information you wish to create:
    • Organization/account type: Choose IPLOGIN only for wireless network (WIFI), or choose WSLOGIN to get access to wireless network  and also to get access to computers, which may be needed as a guest lecturer.
    • Antal konton/amount of accounts (max 100): Fill in the amounts of accounts you want to create. IPLOGIN is used to get access only to wireless network and can be used by several people at the same time, for example in a conference.
    • Aktiveringsdatum/Activation date + klockslag/time: Choose when the account is going to be activated. Choose date and time.
    • Giltighetstid/Period of validity: Choose period of validity, 4 hours or 24 hours.
    • Beskrivning/Description: Choose description, for example guest lecturer or conference name. 
  7. Click on Skapa/Create
  8. If the information is correct, accept by pressing OK.
  9. The guest account should be sent to your email shortly.