Dissertation Patrik Stoopendahl

Welcome when PhD student Patrik Stoopendahl defends his thesis in Textile Management with the title:

Tracing Smartphone-Enabled Customer Journeys: A Socio-Material Approach

Link to the thesis: https://hb.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1814362&dswid=-8607

Opponent is Professor Jens Hultman, Kristianstad University.

Grading committee:
Professor Hans Kjellberg, Stockholm School of Economics,
Associate Professor Anna Karin Olsson, University West,
Associate Professor Maria Frostling, Stockholm University

Principal supervisor: Professor Malin Sundström, University West.
Secondary supervisor: Professor Christian Fuentes, Lund University
Co-supervisor: Senior Lecturer Hanna Wittrock, University of Borås.

The defence is in Swedish.

Zoom: https://hb-se.zoom.us/j/68731397859