Doctoral degree conferment ceremony 2024
Honorary doctorate recipients

Ingvar Carlsson, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
Read the news Ingvar Carlsson: “Libraries are a cornerstone of democratic society”
Staffan Hillberg, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Resource Recovery
Read the news Staffan Hillberg: The different experiences of employees are a strength to be used
Xianyi Zeng, Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Enginering in Textiles and Fashion
Read the news Xianyi Zeng: I want to change the entire textile industry in Europe
Appointing an honorary doctor is an expression of the university's appreciation for an individual's very distinguished contributions to the university.
Doctoral degree recipients
Ulf Andersson, Doctor of Philosophy in Caring Science
Thesis title: Clinical Reasoning Among Emergency Medical Service Clinicians: An Iterative and Fragmented Process Involving the Collaborative Effort(s) of Many
Tuser Biswas, Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Material Technology
Thesis title: Enzyme Printed Fabrics: Bio-functionalisation of Synthetic Textiles by Digital Inkjet Printing
Rebecca Hedvig Gmoser, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Industrial Biotechnology
Thesis title: Circular Bioeconomy Through Valorisation of Agro-Industrial Residues by the Edible Filamentous Fungus Neurospora intermedia
Tanja Gustafsson, Doctor of Philosophy in Caring Science
Thesis title: Att mötas genom och bortom orden: Implementering av personcentrerad kommunikation inom vård och omsorg i hemmet
Lars Hedegård, Doctor of Philosophy in Textile Management
Thesis title: Performing Second-Hand Retail – Organising the Material Re-Circulation of Goods
Coralie Hellwig, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Environmental Science
Thesis title: Engagement with Fungi-Based Food – Recovery and Valorisation of Resources for Food
Mosi Jabbari, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Biotechnology
Thesis title: Material Development of a Textile Bioreactor
Arvid Jakobsson, Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science
Thesis title: Över djupen mot höjden: En biografi över Oskar II:s bibliotek
Sajjad Karimi, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery
Thesis title: Filamentous Fungi as a Sustainable Ingredient for Fish Feed
Ida Kleye, Doctor of Philosophy in Caring Science
Thesis Title: Barncentrerad vård vid nålprocedurer: Betydelsen av att möta barns rädsla och smärta
Erin Richelle Lewis, Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Design, Specialisation in Textile Interaction Design
Thesis title: Radiant Textiles: Designing Electromagnetic Textile Systems
Anna Lidström, Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Design, Specialisation in Fashion Design
Thesis title: Redesign Foundations
Hanieh Moshtaghian, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Food Science
Thesis title: Upcycled Food: A Strategy for Food Waste Management and a Challenge for Food Choice Motives
David Odirivwerere Usino, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery
Thesis title: Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass: Primary Products and Reaction Pathways
Mohsen Parchami, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Industrial Biotechnology
Thesis title: Unlocking the Potential of Brewer’s Spent Grain: A Sustainable Biorefinery Approach to Value-Added Product Generation
Neda Rousta, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation Industrial Biotechnology
Thesis title: Harnessing the Potential of Filamentous Fungi for Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems
Danh Hoang Vu, Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Resource Recovery, Specialisation in Biotechnology
Thesis title: Volatile Fatty Acids as a Key to Sustainability and Circularity in Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production
Photo: Anna Sigge