The university leads the European research network for zero waste

The research project FULLRECO4US has just started up – and the goals are, to say the least, ambitious. It intends to create research networks that together can develop the area of Resource Recovery towards the vision of zero waste.

“The project responds to the significant need to share knowledge and create a platform for discussion, to promote cross-border collaboration among countries in Europe. We noted the need for this network, and it can make a big difference in Europe's shared journey towards zero waste and to achieve our common environmental goals,” said Mohammad Taherzadeh, Professor of Resource Recovery.
Projects such as FULLRECO4US, which is funded by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), are called COST Actions. The common denominator for these projects is that they aim to create networks and collaborations in the current research area.
A large collaborative project
The project will run for four years and about 30 countries have already joined the project. This mainly includes countries within the EU, but also countries outside Europe, such as Russia and South Africa.

“We at the University of Borås are successful within Resource Recovery, so we want to convey this knowledge and create a shift from thinking in terms of waste management to seeing that such things are resources if we manage them correctly,” said Patrik Lennartsson, Associate Professor of Resource Recovery.
“It is also extremely important to exchange knowledge,” he continued.
Mohammad Taherzadeh agreed. “The value of the project is that it gives us the opportunity to build a stronger network within Europe. This will be needed both now and in the future when we develop the area of Resource Recovery,” he said.
Within the framework of the project, workshops, smaller sub-projects and conferences are planned.
Led by the University of Borås
The University of Borås manages the project. Mohammad Taherzadeh has been elected Chair, and Patrik Lennartsson handles much of the project's administration. Each member country has nominated representatives, who together form a project committee.
“We held our first meeting at the end of September. Next year, we plan to invite everyone to a conference here at the university,” said Mohammad Taherzadeh.
The full COST project name is CA20133 - Cross-Border Transfer and Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Strategies Towards Zero Waste.

Group photo from the first project committee meeting.
Read more
Read more about the project in the Research Portal
Emilia Vermelin/Eva Medin
Suss Wilén