Quality Assurance Manual for Education now available on the employee website

The university's goal is to provide education of good quality and this is ensured through solid quality assurance procedures. How these are to work is described in various types of policy documents and routines. For those who want to familiarise themselves with the quality assurance procedures for education, it can take a long time to go through these documents. Therefore, the university has now produced this quality assurance handbook in order to summarise this topic in a simplified way.
The handbook describes fourteen activities in the quality assurance process. Among other things, you can read about the purpose of each activity, how it should be implemented, and in which documents and templates you can read more about the activity.
Malin Utter, Education and Quality Assurance Coordinator at the Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT, explains, “A quality assurance handbook makes it easier to see which activities are included in the quality assurance procedures, when they are to be carried out, how, by whom, and why. It gives each employee an overview of the university's quality assurance procedures and how the different activities are connected.”
As Education and Quality Assurance Coordinator, Malin Utter often receives questions about course evaluations and course reports. She thinks that it has now become easier to refer to the information contained in the Quality Assurance Manual for Education than to refer people to various documents, as she has previously had to do.
“Now that all the information is gathered in one place, it has also become easier to find exactly the information you are interested in. In this way, the information has become more accessible than before.”
If you have questions or want to know more, contact the Quality Assurance Coordinator at your Faculty.
Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business: Bo Månsson
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare: Martin Stjernström
Faculty of Librarianship, Information, Education and IT: Malin Utter
Faculty of Police Work: Ann-Sofie Rihs
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The Quality Assurance Manual for Education (Swedish only)