This is what is happening with the proposals from the Idea project – the students' campus

On 21 October, the final report was presented by Vice-Chancellor Mats Tinnsten, the project group, and Charlott Sundeen, Director of the Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office, at an open Zoom meeting for students, employees, and the university’s property owners, Akademiska hus and Kanico.
Suggestions, ideas, and thoughts in five different categories had come in from the students. The next step is to move forward in the further development of the campus. The five categories deal with the indoor environment, places to study, food/drink/break rooms, social spaces and activities, as well as outdoor environments.
Each category has several sub-areas. For indoor environments, for example, there are the sub-areas:
electrical outlets, entrances, indoor environment in general, internet, corridors/lounges, cooling/heating, ventilation, furnishings, security, environment and sustainability, as well as toilets and getting around the campus.
This is what will happen with the proposals
The Director of the Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office, Charlott Sundeen, explained what will happen next:
“A few years ago, active work started to improve student environments. Successive changes have since taken place and that work will continue. Some of the proposals presented in the report will be implemented within the framework of the existing budget, while other proposals are extensive and costly. In next year's budget work, we will take steps to start implementing some of the larger investments. We will work together with the Faculties and the various departments at the university and we involve our property owners and the Student Union. We hope that within one to two years, our students will see big differences. When, for example, the work with the group rooms is to be carried out, there are 37 thoughts, ideas, and suggestions from the students in this area.”
The report is available from the archives maintained by the Registrar's Office: Reg. no. 070–22, in Swedish Utredningsprojekt Lokaler som stödjer ett attraktivt lärosäte – Studentens Campus. The report contains all the ideas and suggestions from both the project group and the students. It is also possible to contact someone in the project group to receive the report.
The project group:
Maria Vesterlund, Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Martin-Luther Oluware, Campus Facilities and Sustainability Office
Moa Persson, Student Centre
Tove Lekselius, University Library
Filippa Westerlund, Student Union
Emilia Vermelin, Communications Office (on leave)
Solveig Klug
Anna Sigge