Quality of life

Working hours

As an employee, you have good opportunities to balance work and leisure. For teachers, annual working hours (non-regulated working hours) apply and a generous flexitime agreement applies to technical and administrative staff.

Remote work

You have the opportunity to work remotely up to two days a week.

Parent-friendly workplace

You receive supplementary compensation during the first 360 days of your parental leave and if you need to be at home and care for your sick child, we supplement the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's compensation to a certain extent. You also have the option of working part-time until your child turns twelve.


In addition to holiday leave (vacation), parental leave, and sick leave, you have the option of other types of paid leave. This applies, for example, to visits to the doctor, occupational health care, and outpatient care, as well as leave for moving and family matters. 

Annual holiday leave

You receive 28–35 days of holiday leave (vacation) depending on your age. This is in place from your first year of employment.

Employee associations

You can participate in association activities organised by our employee associations. We have a leisure activity association and an art association that organise various activities throughout each year. 

Annual public transport passes

It is possible to purchase annual public transport passes through a net salary deduction.