
You are welcome to participate as attendees and exhibitors during the career event Elevate and seize an excellent opportunity to market your organisation to students and staff at the University of Borås.

Date: 12-13 November 2024. The information will be updated.

About Elevate

During Elevate, Karriärmässan (the Career Fair) is held, which will replace the STARK Career Fair. Through Elevate, we are expanding the concept with more activities and a broader range of offerings for our students. Our goal is to create the most comprehensive and attractive career event possible. A win-win for everyone!


Contact us at event@hb.se for questions or if you wish to be added as a recipient of our newsletter.

Tobias Minin, Event Coordinator, Enter, Elevate, Exit, and Alumni
Emilia Wermelin, Project Leader for the Career Fair