Cloud Computing Adoption 5 hp

Spring 2024
Part-time 33%, Mixed times
No obligatory attendance

Spring 2024
Part-time 33%, Mixed times
No obligatory attendance

Moving to cloud computing is a given in today's rapidly changing digital landscape. This course equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively understand, navigate, and leverage cloud technologies, especially within larger IT-based organisations. Through this course, you will learn about the evolution of the field and its fundamental aspects, service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), deployment models (public, private, hybrid, community), and core components of the architecture.

After the course, you will be able to make informed decisions when using cloud services and ensure that they are in line with efficiency and cost-effectiveness principles.

We will address the complexities and challenges associated with migrating organisations' legacy systems and data to cloud platforms. This includes factors such as performance optimisation, safety, compliance, and cost effectiveness. We analyse real-life cloud migration scenarios to give you practical insights into the complexity of cloud adoption in different industry sectors.

Clear strategies, strong leadership, appropriate training, and robust data security are other important aspects covered in the course to anticipate potential barriers to migration. This may include unexpected performance issues or unplanned costs.

For application questions, contact the Admissions Office.
For other questions, contact, Student Reception.