Dynamics of Knowledge Organisation

One of the training outcomes in the PERICLES project was the design and development of a PhD course.

The focus of the course was on the nature and role of knowledge organization in a rapidly changing digital world. In the past two decades, time series of content, prominently semantic content, have become the subject of intensive interest for subject areas as diverse as digital preservation, knowledge engineering, data science, natural language processing, or document engineering, to name but a few. The course explored this dynamic, or evolving semantics, as it is of much importance for Library and Information Science and influences our understanding of knowledge organization in a fundamental way.

The course was run between December 6, 2016 and February 24, 2017, and offered 7.5 ECTS credits. The instructors included professor Sándor Darányi, Dr Peter Wittek and Dr Nasrine Olson from HB, and Drs Efstratios Kontopoulos and Konstantinos Konstantinidis from CERTH. Seven students from three European countries participated in the course.

The course syllabus for Dynamics of Knowledge Organization contains information on the course literature, prerequisites, content, learning outcomes, and more.

For more information contact Nasrine Olson.


The PhD course is offered by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the University of Borås.