A Smart Textile Platform for Personalised Textiles with a Special Focus on Prosthetics

A Smart Textile Platform for Personalised Textiles with a Special Focus on Prosthetics

The core research question addressed in the project is: How can smart textiles and new textile production techniques be applied in prosthesis? The core research question will be solved by focussing on: 1) Establishing the technology platform that contributes the missing links for a personalised textile solution for amputees; 2) Introducing smart textiles to the field of neuromuscular rehabilitation to facilitate home-based rehabilitation. Collaborate with 3 business partners, the research question will be elucidated by two case studies: 1. Personalised prosthetic sock for improved extrinsic comfort for lower-limb amputees; 2. Smart textiles for home-based phantom limb (PLP) pain treatment.

The proposed project will combine the power edge technologies of smart textiles at the University of Borås and the industrial knowledge of three partners: Bola AB; Integrum AB and Lindhe Xtend AB. At the end of the project, we expect to solve the industrial problems using smart textiles solutions and perform clinical evaluation of the solutions.