Start date: 2022-07-01
End date: 2025-06-30
ADDTEX project will help promoting learning mobility of individuals and groups, as well as transversal competencies such as cooperation, quality, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation at the level of organizations and policies in the field of education and training. The project will focus on to support education and training of advanced textile materials companies through linkages with HEIs and VETs with the goal to:
- Support innovation towards circular economy and sustainability.
- Support innovation based on digital transition.
- Develop new products and business models.
- Promote entrepreneurship.
- Develop new products based on innovation with high added value to reinforce resilience of the sector.
- Strengthen the link between academia and industry to facilitate the flow and co-creation of
- knowledge, particularly for emerging trends such as digital and green transition.
- Improve the quality and relevance of skills developed and certified through education and training systems including corporate social responsibility, sustainability, and environmental protection.
Specific objectives of ADDTEX are...
- Analysis and needs of the sector post COVID-19 with the goals of the transition to a low carbon, environmentally friendly and highly digitized European economy.
- Creation of a customized training.
- To encourage the exchange between universities and business companies.
- To develop hubs as a contact point between companies and universities through clusters.
- Communication and exploitation’s results at a European level.
Participating organizations
ADDTEX project involves a consortium of twelve (12) partners including HEIs, VETs and SMEs from around the Europe. The coordinating institution of ADDTEX is Associacio Agrupacio D'empreses Innovadores Textils, Spain. The lists of participating organizations are as follows;
- University of Borås, Sweden
- Associacio Agrupacio D'empreses Innovadores Textils, Spain.
- Clutex - Klastr Technicke Textilie, Czechia.
- Centro Tecnologico Das Industrias Textil E Do Vestuario De Portugal, Portugal.
- Industrieverband Veredlung - Garne- Gewebe - Technische Textilien, Germany.
- Titera, Tehnicno Inovativne Tehnologije, Doo, Slovenia.
- Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Spain.
- Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland.
- Pin Soc.Cons. A R.L. - Servizi Didattici E Scientifici Per L Universita Di Firenze, Italy.
- Creative Thinking Development, Greece.
- Ciape - Centro Italiano Per L'apprendimento Permanente Italy.
- Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Textile Si Pielarie, Romania.
Project Leader
Vincent Nierstrasz
033-435 4159