Will writing ever be the same?

On the impact of AI on writing processes and practices in lower secondary education

Will writing ever be the same?

 In addition to mapping what AI tools are used by students and teachers for writing, the study will address three primary research questions:

  • the writing practices that emerge with the use of AI and their impact on writing education;
  • the relationship between writers and technologies and how educators can facilitate a productive relationship between them;
  • and the impact of AI on the processes involved in writing, such as idea generation, translation of ideas to text, organization, and revision.

The study is pragmatic and multidisciplinary in character and will be underpinned by linguistic, cognitive, socio-cultural and post-human theories. We will employ a mixed-methods approach, including quasi-experimental approaches, text analysis, observations, and interviews with educators and students.

The findings of this study will contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact of AI on writing processes and practices, inform discussions on the ethical and pedagogical implications of this technology, and offer recommendations for the effective integration of AI into writing education.