Preserving and archiving

As an employee, you have an obligation to know and comply with the rules for the archiving and culling of information. In short, this means that you should: 

  • Send information that should be archived to the Archives & Registrar’s Office
  • Cull (destroy) the information that should be culled

Information Management Plan

In order to make it easier for employees, an information management plan has been developed. It summarises the rules for how the university's information should be handled regarding archiving and culling. Since the information management plan is based on current legislation, it is mandatory to follow it.

The information management plan contains instructions for managing information within governance, support, and education processes. In addition, there are a number of general rules that apply regardless of the university process. For research, there is a special plan; see below.

The information management plan is only available in Swedish. The guidelines and document management plan for research documents however, are available in both Swedish and English.

In Swedish:

In English: