For you as a supervisor or examiner

Each doctoral student must have at least two supervisors, one of whom is appointed as the main supervisor. The main supervisor must have at least associate professor competence (docent) and have completed a research supervisor course, or have equivalent competence. The assistant supervisor must at least have a PhD. Some of our educations have an employment requirement linked to the requirement of being the main supervisor.

Each doctoral student at the University of Borås must have a appointed examiner. The examiner must participate in the annual follow-up of the individual study plan. The examiner is also the one who makes the decision about course credits at doctoral level before reporting courses in the study documentation system (Ladok).

The examiner must also be a support for the doctoral student in discussions about the theoretical part of the education and examination.

The exact requirements that are demanded of you as the main supervisor and examiner are stated in the education's general syllabus.

What it means to be a supervisor

Recruiting a doctoral student

Individual study plan

Postgraduate courses

Changing supervisor

Mutual expectations

Time for the public defence or licentiate seminar?