Practical Information


It is important that you look over your insurance when travelling abroad. As an exchange student at the University of Borås, you are covered by Kammarkollegiets group insurance “Student UT”. If you go on your own (freemover) you won’t be able to take advantage of Kammarkollegiets insurance through the university and you need to buy your own insurance.

The insurance “Student UT” covers all exchange students that are studying or training abroad within an exchange agreement if they are registered as exchange students in Ladok at the University of Borås. The insurance is valid 24 hours per day in the host country for as long studies or training is conducted, as well as two weeks before and two weeks after the study/internship and during direct travel between the home and the study destination. Make sure the insurance covers your requirements and think about what activities you will be performing in the host country. Find more information about “Student UT” at Kammarkollegiet (external link).

In case of serious illness, hospital admission, need for transport home or other active assistance in the event of injury abroad, contact:

Falck Global Assistance
Tel: +46 85 87 71 749
Fax: +46 85 05 93 913

It is the students responsibility to contact Falck Global Assistance. Falck Global Assistance can be contacted 24 hours a day.

Europe and the Nordic Countries

If you are a European citizen and going to study in another European country, you will be able to retrieve a European Health Insurance Card. Swedish citizens can order this card from Försäkringskassan (external link). If you’re a student from outside the EU with a Swedish personal identification number, you will likewise be able to apply for the European Health Insurance Card, and be covered by it within the EU.

Students who are going to study at an Institution of Higher Education which the University of Borås does not have any agreement with, but who will get the studies recognized at UB, may be covered by the insurance “Student UT” provided that a certificate of receipt/individual exchange agreements (Acceptance Agreement) is established between the UB and the host university. Contact your international coordinator for more information.

Developing Countries

Before you go, you should get a "Medical Insurance Card" from the coordinator who is responsible for the scholarship program or your international coordinator at your faculty, if you do not study through a scholarship program. It is your responsibility to obtain this medical insurance card!

Financial aid for studies

Many factors determine whether studies abroad qualify you for financial aid for studies. At the CSN (external link) you find some of the most important requirements.

Travel advices

Are you travelling to a troubled part of the World? Please read the travel advices on The ministry for Foreign Affairs (external link).


Vaccinations are often needed when travelling to developing countries. Please read Vaccinationsguiden (external link) (only in Swedish) or contact your Health Center ”Vårdcentral” for information.


Find out if you need a visa and do it in good time. Visa applications can take a long time. Please contact the embassy to find out what is applicable or read the visa information on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (external link).