Check your list of publications in DiVA

Option 1 - follow the link on your researcher profile webpage

Go to your researcher profile webpage. You'll find a link "Researcher's publications in DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet)". If you click it, you will be taken to a list of all your outputs in DiVA.

Option 2 - copy and modify URL

To search for your publication list in DiVA, you can use the web address below, but the bold word SIGNATURE in the address below must be replaced with your HB signature. Do like this:

  1. Mark and copy the URL below.
  2. Paste the URL in for example Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  3. Locate the word SIGNATURE and replace it with your HB signature (it doesn’t matter if you write it in uppercase or lowercase letters).
  4. Copy the URL you just modified.
  5. Paste the URL in an internet browser and press Enter.

URL to copy

Option 3 – search for your publications in DiVA

You can also use the search function in DiVA and find your publications that way. Do like this:

  1. Open the advanced search in DiVA.
  2. Add the field Author, id by selecting it in the drop-down menu:
  3. Fill in your HB signature in the field you just added (Author, id)
  4. Limit your search to 2021 by using Publishing year. Fill in 2021 in both fields, From and To:
  5. Press Search.