Dress codes

The following applies to the different categories of guests:

For participants in the ceremony/procession:
White tie (formal/ceremonial attire).

For award recipients and Associate Professors/Docents:
Black tie (semi-formal/ceremonial attire). If you hold a doctorate, you are welcome to join the procession wearing formal/ceremonial attire.

Invited and accompanying guests:
White tie or black tie (formal or semi-formal)

For employees at the University of Borås:
Dress how you like, but please keep in mind that this is an important event for those involved and that they will be wearing formal attire. Please be considerate of this. If you hold a doctorate, you are welcome to join the procession wearing formal/ceremonial attire. 

Explanation of the dress codes

White tie (formal/ceremonial attire)

White tie, a white waistcoat and white bow tie apply. Traditional folk costumes are also welcome, but not tuxedos, dark suits or military uniform. Patent leather shoes are the main choice for a tailcoat, but plain black shoes are also fine.

Formal floor-length gown/skirt (se example below). Colour and pattern of your choice. A formal trouser suit or a skirt with a jacket/top also work as well as traditional folk costumes. No open-toed shoes.

If you are to be conferred a doctoral degree or installed as professor: When choosing a dress, bear in mind that you will be in the spotlight on a stage and will also be filmed and seen on the big screen. You should feel that your attire is both comfortable and dignified given the context.


Black tie (semi-formal/ceremonial attire)

Dark suit (dark blue or dark grey, possibly black), white shirt and tie or bow tie in any colour. Formal, preferably black, shoes.

Nice dress of a finer type of fabric. It should not be floor-length. A trouser suit or a skirt with a jacket or top also work. Optional shoes, but not sneakers.

Below you will find three examples that are appropriate for this dress code.