Changes to the DiVA registration for university employees

According to a Vice-Chancellor's resolution from 2015 (dnr 117-15) all publications by authors at the University of Borås must be registered in DiVA. The responsibility for this lies with the publication authors. Until now, the registration has been done by the authors themselves. The publication posts have then undergone quality checks by librarians to ensure that the description of the publication (metadata) be as accurate as possible.
Focus on making it easier for authors
During the last couple of years, the library has worked on simplifying the publication registration process for university employees. The first step was taken in the autumn of 2020 by launching a simplified form for DiVA registration.
The second step is being taken now: Librarians will continuously register articles and other publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. This for anything published in 2021 and on. When the publication has been registered, the author is notified by e-mail, and gets the opportunity to add or correct information in the post. Authors with articles that have been published behind a paywall are given the opportunity to, with the help of the library, use green open access to publish the full text.
Publications indexed in Scopus and Web of Science are normally peer-reviewed articles, but occasionally other types of publications (e.g. conference papers) can also be indexed.
Registering other types of works
There are many kinds of publications and other works that are not indexed in the above databases. These must be registered by the authors themselves. Some examples include artistic works, reports, opinion pieces and articles in popular science magazines. Registering those is most easily done through the simplified registration form on the library’s website.
The responsibility for registering everything continues to lie with the employee
As mentioned above, the employee is responsible for making sure everything published is also registered. This continues to apply. To simplify that work, the library will send reminders to all researchers to check their publications in DiVA at the beginning of December. If any work is missing from the list, the author must register it. All publications must be registered in DiVA by the middle of January at the latest.
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