Spring programme for Rise and shine with the library

This autumn the library launched the presentation series Rise and shine with the library. Every week a 20-minute presentation was offered on a subject relevant to doctoral students, researchers, and others who do any kind of research. The presentations were very well received, so Rise and shine will continue this spring.

Spring programme

This spring there are 16 unique presentations in the program. They cover topics such as article publication, bibliometric indicators, publishing research data, and information seeking. The idea is to have presentations on subjects relevant to anyone who does any kind of research.

Just as in the autumn we continue to hold the presentations over Zoom at 8:15 AM one day a week. Which day of the week it is varies from week to week, so it’s a good idea to check the program for that information.

Book a presentation

We continue to offer you the option to book these presentations for your research group, faculty or similar. Then we set a time that suits you for when we should give the presentation. We can of course always arrange for a longer or more in-depth presentation on any given topic, and book more than 20 minutes.

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