
The project has included both university-spanning activities and local activities at participating universities: Blekinge Institute of Technology, Swedish Defense University, University of Gothenburg, University of Borås, Karlstad University, KTH, Linköping University, Lund University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Södertörn University and Uppsala University. The coordinator of the project is University of Borås.

Additional participants (in 2020): Kristianstad University, Linnaeus University and Malmö University

One primary objective has been to develop material that can support individuals in documenting and presenting merits, support assessment groups in assessing merits and higher education institutions in continuing their development work with collaborative merit.

MerSam slutrapport Samverkansmeritering-förutsättningar, behov och möjligheter (MerSam final report-Collaboration merit - prerequisites, needs and opportunities)

Executive summary in English.

The report is a final report from the project MerSam - Meritvärde av samverkansskicklighet. The report's content, conclusions and recommendations are based on development work, project activities, dialogue processes at project universities and discussions at project meetings and project workshops. The report is a common result of the MerSam project.

Download final report MerSam (PDF):
MerSam slutrapport 2021.pdf

Guide for documenting and presenting collaboration merits 

The guide is aimed too support individuals who want guidance and ideas on how to compile their collaboration merits. The target group is primarily teachers and researchers at Swedish universities. The guide has drawn upon the structure of portfolio instructions to compile pedagogical qualifications. 

Download the guidance material (PDF):
Vägledning för att dokumentera och beskriva samverkansmeriter (Guidance for documenting and presenting collaboration merits)

In Swedish only.

Download the presentation material (PPT):
Presentation Vägledning för att dokumentera och beskriva samverkansmeriter (Presentation Guide for documenting and describing collaboration merits.)

In Swedish only.

Samverkansmeritering vid anställning och befordran (Collaboration merit in recruitment and promotion)- Training materials in Swedish.

The training material highlights basic aspects of integrating collaboration merit in processes for recruitment and promotion. It is intended to be used as a starting point for reflection and continued development work at all levels within the higher education institution. The material is primarily aimed at participants in employment committees, experts and managers.

Download the training material (PPT):
Samverkansmeritering vid anställning och befordran

In Swedish only.

The training material is also described in a brochure. The material is primarily aimed at participants in employment committees, experts and managers.

Download the brochure (pdf)

Interim report

The report "Varför är det så snårigt? Begrepp relaterade till samverkansmeritering" ("Why is it so complicated? Concepts related to collaboration merit") shows the use and interpretations of concepts in the sector and the higher education institutions' governing documents. The report is a compilation of information collected from documents, dialogues, workshops, interviews and surveys within the framework of the project.

Download the report (PDF):
"Varför är det så snårigt - begrepp relaterade till samverkansmeritering".

In Swedish only.