Students Information science

Master’s Programme in Information Science: Digital Environments 120 hp

Autumn 2024
Full-time 100%, Day
No obligatory attendance

Autumn 2025
Full-time 100%, Day
No obligatory attendance

As a student you get to reflect critically on how search engines, platforms and algorithms impact society and individuals, and consider aspects related to ethics, democracy, and sustainability relevant to information in digital environments.   You also learn how to handle different data types and media formats, design algorithms and work with the digitalisation of information. The programme will include courses in for instance, datalogical thinking, research methods, multimodality, open data as an arena for information creation, data strategies for organisations, information practices in digital environments and critical perspectives on a society steeped in data.  

Full-time at a distance

This programme is given full-time during Swedish business hours, predominantly through distance teaching online. Teaching combines workshops and seminars live in Zoom, and recorded lectures and other teaching materials published on our virtual learning platform. You will also read course literature, including the newest research, and work on individual written assignments and group projects with your fellow students. A few sessions on campus in Borås will be offered throughout the programme, however these are not compulsory. The programme is taught entirely in English, and you will study together with students from all over the world, though predominantly from Europe. 

Career opportunities

The degree prepares you for professional roles where you work with information in a changing time, for instance in jobs where you mediate and curate information feeds, as well as collect, manage, analyse, and make data accessible. 

The skills gained from the programme also enable you to act as a translator between different actors and stakeholders at, for example, companies, governmental agencies, or cultural heritage institutions. In the role of mediator, you can bridge communication gaps between different professions and enable collaboration. You translate technical jargon and complex ideas into language accessible/understandable to everyone involved. 

The programme also prepares you for a future career in academia, for instance if you wish to pursue a doctorate in library and information science or related fields or become a university lecturer. 

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