Information for participants in the study on food waste

Before you decide to participate or not, it's important that you understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Take the time to read the following information carefully. Feel free to discuss the study with others, if you wish. Contact us if there's anything unclear or if you want more information. Please take the time to consider whether you want to participate or not.

Go to the form to express your interest in participating in the study

What is the purpose of the study?

Waste management systems should be designed and developed so that people can easily understand how to sort their household waste. For this reason, we at the University of Borås conduct research to understand and reduce food waste in Swedish households. Your participation is voluntary and essential in our efforts to minimise food waste and improve food safety.

Why would I want to participate?

We ask if you want to participate because we believe your insights into food waste are valuable. You also help us see how much food is truly being discarded. Additionally, your participation makes our research meaningful and important.

What happens if I choose to participate?

Feel free to ask any questions you have before deciding to participate. We will contact households that have expressed interest and have been selected for the study to discuss suitable times and dates for us to come to your home and determine where we can place our smart food waste bin, which will analyse the food waste in your household.

What will happen with the results of the study?

Personal data and interviews are stored and handled securely. The data is protected in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. All data will be anonymised so that individuals cannot be traced back to their households. Your responses and results will be stored for ten years at the University of Borås to enable quality control of the project. No information or comments will be traceable to an individual when the results are presented.

Do I have to participate?

No, it is up to you to decide whether you want to participate or not. If you choose to participate, you will be asked to sign a consent form. If you choose to participate, you are still free to withdraw at any time without providing any reason. Choosing not to participate or withdrawing from the study will not have any consequences or negatively impact you. If you feel uncomfortable about the food waste bin having a camera to photograph and analyse the food you discard, you have every right to withdraw without needing to provide a reason.

Who is organizing the study?

The study is organised by researchers at the University of Borås. The person you will contact regarding the smart food waste bins is Samira Syed, a doctoral student in Resource Recovery. The project is led by Associate Professor Kamran Rousta at the University of Borås.

Questions or complaints?

If you have any questions or wish to participate, please contact:
Samira Syed, doctoral student in Resource Recovery

If you wish to ask questions about the study or would like to file a complaint, please contact:
Kamran Rousta, Associate Professor in Resource Recovery, Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology