Make a difference for the planet – participate in our study on food waste!

Information for participants in the study on food waste

The food we waste – a global challenge

Food production is one of the most resource-intensive activities on our planet. When we throw away food, we not only waste the food, but also valuable resources. We also create unnecessary emissions that affect our environment. In Sweden, more food is thrown away in our households than anywhere else in the world. Incredibly, this can amount to 133 kg per person every year.

The University of Borås is now launching a groundbreaking study to deepen our understanding of food waste – what it is and how much is thrown away. This is necessary so that we can develop effective strategies that reduce food waste and thus reduce negative impacts on food production, climate, the environment, and our ecosystems.

Become a sustainability hero with us

In our study, we will use advanced “smart bins” that are placed in your household. These bins provide us with detailed information on the amount and type of food waste generated in your household. The bin measures the weight of the discarded waste and activates camera surveillance to document the types of waste. Through this data, we will develop tailored strategies to reduce food waste.

Your participation makes a difference

This study is your opportunity to be part of a sustainable future. By participating, you not only contribute to saving our planet but also receive practical advice on how to reduce your own food waste and live more environmentally friendly. Let us work together towards a better tomorrow for ourselves and our future generations. Join us and let’s make a real difference together!

Read more about the research project Living lab – reducing food waste in households using smart bins

Before you decide to participate or not, it's important that you understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Take your time to read the information carefully. Feel free to discuss the study with others, if you wish. Contact us if there's anything unclear or if you want more information.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Consent to the processing of personal data

We need your consent to process the information you provide about yourself. The data will be processed by the staff at the University of Borås responsible for the research study.

The data will be stored within the EU/EEA and will be deleted when no longer deemed necessary.

The University of Borås is the data controller for the processing, carried out under Article 6.1 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (consent). It is entirely voluntary to give consent, and you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Learn more about how the University of Borås processes your data and your rights: The university's Privacy policy