Review of the university's quality assurance systems for education and research

The review focuses on whether the university’s quality assurance work contributes systematically and appropriately in order to ensure and develop the quality of education and research. The University of Borås must be able to show how we approach our quality assurance work and apply our quality assurance system in a well-functioning way, and in practice change things that do not work in the way they were intended.

The university's self-evaluation

On 22 May, the university's self-evaluation was submitted to UKÄ's assessment group.  Our self-evaluation of the systematic quality assurance work was carried out by a central writing group that represented different parts of the university. The members of the writing group have focused on different parts of the self-evaluation based on their areas of expertise but have largely co-worked in an integrated manner. Students and doctoral students have been given the opportunity to both participate in the work and give views on the content and conclusions of the self-evaluation.

In addition to the descriptions of the activities and documents that form the core of the quality assurance system, all departments at the university have been involved as they have been asked to describe how the quality assurance work is carried out in practice based on various issues linked to the assessment criteria, as well as give examples of this. The analyses of strengths and areas for improvement in different areas were in some cases reported directly by   the departments, while at other times there have been more comprehensive analyses have been done.

See the self-evaluation (Swedish only): University of Borås Self-Evaluation 2024 Reg. no. 931-23 (pdf)


  • 26 April: Initial meeting with UKÄ about the timetable and the various steps in the process.
  • 22 May: The university submitted its self-evaluation.
  • 14 June: The Student Union in Borås (including the Doctoral Student Committee) submits its student report.
  • 17 June: The university meets with the assessment group for an initial discussion. The university then also has an opportunity to present its quality assurance systems and the ideas behind them.
  • Early September: UKÄ will provide information about selected topics for further review.
  • 16 september: The university will submit its documentation for the topics selected for further review.
  • Early October: Based on UKÄ's interview schedule, it will be decided who will sit in the various interview groups.
  • 4 – 8 November: UKÄ will conduct a site visit at the University of Borås.
  • After the site visit: Any supplementary interviews.
  • January – February 2025: The assessment group's opinion will be shared with the university
  • February – March 2025: UKÄ's decision

The overall review will be on a three-point scale: Approved quality assurance work, Approved quality assurance work with reservations, and Unsatisfactory quality assurance work.

Read more about the full review process on the UKÄ website
Read more about the university's quality assurance work 

Selected in-depth tracks

In-depth track 1: Follow-up, evaluation and development of education

The in-depth track mainly concerns assessment basis 3 for quality assurance of education (Recurrent review) and assessment basis 2 (Continuous follow-up).

The assessment group wishes to take part in material from three different faculties.

Faculty of Caring science, Work life and Social welfare.

Education program that has undergone local evaluation: Health and care administration (2021/22)

The Faculty of Librarians, Information, Education and IT

Education programs that have undergone local evaluation: Librarianship program 180 credits and Librarianship program – Distance 120 credits (2020/21).

Freestanding course Data strategies for organizations

Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business

Postgraduate course in resource recovery (2021/22)

In-depth track 2: Follow-up, evaluation and development of research

The in-depth track mainly concerns assessment basis 3 for quality assurance of research (Recurrent review) and assessment basis 2 (Continuous follow-up) and 4 (Research development and renewal).

The assessment group wishes to follow the implementation and results concerning the evaluation of the research area Resource recovery and the research area Business and IT.


If you have any questions, please contact
•    Education quality assurance:  Anders Nylund
•    Research quality assurance: Olof Harbecke
•    Leader for the university's self-evaluation: Kim Bolton