Data Access Unit (DAU)

The DAU is a local function at the university that offers researchers support with the accessibility and preservation of research data. The acronym DAU stands for Data Access Unit.

The DAU provides support in questions regarding data management, documentation and curation. The DAU can receive data sets with accompanying metadata, and control the quality to see if the data meets the standards for accessibility and reuse. The DAU works closely with the Swedish National Data Service.

To request support and service from the DAU, please contact

The members of the university’s DAU are:

  • Anna Dahlén, Information Security Coordinator
  • Pieta Eklund, Librarian 
  • Åsa Enmyren, Archivist
  • Henrik Schmidt, Administrative Officer
  • Signe Wulund, Librarian

Together, these staff members have expertise in areas such as:

  • Research support experience
  • Well established contact networks in research units and administrative support both
  • Understanding of the archival process and insight into archival questions
  • Legal expertise, especially where research data questions are concerned
  • Research experience
  • Understanding and planning data management and research projects
  • IT safety
  • Storage solutions
  • Databases

The DAU is not a separate organisational unit, but should be seen as a function which works with service and support to ensure that the research data produced by the university’s researchers is made findable, accessible and possible to reuse. The function represents a number of different areas of expertise which are important for researchers to consult when necessary, e.g. when funders require data management plans for funding to be obtained.