Library card - terms and conditions

You must approve of the following conditions before you pursue the registration process.

Library card

Your library card is a valuable document and you are responsible for all loans registered on it. You need your tag/library card and PIN- code to be able to borrow books. Loss of tag/library card must be reported to the library or to the Student Centre. There is a replacement fee of 100 kronor (SEK).

Loan periods

Mandatory course books - 14 days. Renewal possible.

Other books - open loan period of 14 - 90 days. No renewals. If another borrower requests the book your loan period will be shortened. The new due date will be communicated to you through your university e-mail. Reminders and overdue notifications are only sent by e-mail and it is your responsibility to make sure the library has your current e-mail address.

Returning books

Books are to be returned in the machine close to the library entrance. Please note that you have to make sure that all books have been registered on your receipt!

Fines and replacement

In case of loss, damage or failure to return a library book on time, you will have to pay for the replacement of the book. You will receive an invoice for the replacement cost including an administrative fee of 250 kronor (SEK).

My Loans

On the library website you can renew loans, make reservations and check your loans. - My Loans

Conduct Policy

The library is a place of work for many persons. To maintain a good working environment we ask you to use the facilities, equipment and materials in the library with care and to be considerate towards staff and fellow students.


Information about individual loans, orders and reservations must not be disclosed in accordance with § 3 chapter 40 of the Public Access to Information and the Official Secrecy Act (SFS 2009:400). The library processing of personal data is regulated by the Personal Data Act (PUL 1998:204).

Borrowing regulations may be subject to changes.