Strategies for the Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business


We are interdisciplinary

Many of the societal challenges we face need to be tackled with an interdisciplinary approach in order to come up with innovative solutions and ideas to contribute to sustainable, inclusive, and equitable development. We therefore encourage all parts of our institution to work across disciplinary borders and find new collaborative arenas, both internally and in collaboration with the surrounding community.

Societal development means that the need for knowledge and skills is constantly increasing and changing in an ever-changing labour market. Students with a degree from our educational programmes must bring with them knowledge, engagement, and understanding in order to look at issues from different perspectives, to be able to see context and therefore envision new opportunities to meet new needs that can contribute to sustainable social development. Sustainable development with a clear link to Agenda 2030 should permeate all aspects of our work.

We are international

We should be an attractive choice for students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers from all over the world who want to contribute to shaping and developing future society. Internationalisation helps to increase the quality and relevance of education and research by contributing to new perspectives and perspectives. Our educational programmes should be socially relevant with global attractiveness, which will help to broaden the recruitment base of students, doctoral students, teachers, and researchers.

By encouraging collaboration and the exchange of ideas between researchers in different parts of the world, we create the conditions necessary to contribute solutions to global challenges and problems. Our internationalisation work has a clear link to Agenda 2030 and is characterised by ethical responsibility and a mutual exchange of knowledge and resources.

We are visible

We are open to reaching out and making our educational programmes, our research, and our infrastructure accessible to more and more people, both nationally and internationally. We stand for the equal value and rights of all people and for democratic values, and work to spread these values through increased visibility in public debate.

The debates we participate in explain clearly how the education and research we conduct help to solve current societal problems and are based on scientific and artistic knowledge. We always place students' learning at the centre. Focus on educational development, strong student influence, active alumni activities, and opportunities for lifelong learning are other important components.

We safeguard quality

We offer high quality education and research by creating the best conditions for students' learning, for knowledge development, and for collaboration with the surrounding community. Our institution is characterised by a constant effort to grow our strengths and to improve upon or change that which can be better. We also offer our employees and students a high quality work and study environment.

A sense of connection, belonging, and optimism about the future that creates engagement are important and fundamental values, and a prerequisite for all employees and students to be able to develop and achieve their potential.  Furthermore, we prioritise awareness-raising and skills development to achieve equality. With us, everyone should know their responsibilities and know how to act.