Angela Bångsbo
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Work Life and Social Welfare
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Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare
— Department of Work Life and Social Welfare
Dunér, A., Bångsbo, A., Olsson, T. M., TalkingMats as a decision aid to promote involvement in choice and decision-making around home care services for older people with mild to moderate dementia - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 2023
Article in journal
Jonasson, L., Bångsbo, A., Billhult, A., Wolmesjö, M., Older adults' experiences of participation in daily activities in Swedish assisted living 2023
Article in journal
Bångsbo, A., Dunér, A., Dahlin-Ivanoff, S., Lidén, E., Barriers for Inter-Organisational Collaboration 2022
Article in journal
"LEVA-project" Sustainable leadership through participation - Valuation work in elderly care
Start date: 2017-10-01 — End date: 2020-09-30
Funder: The Kamprad Family Foundation
Välfärdsbibblan – Kan introduktionen av välfärdsteknik till stöd för äldre och personer med funktionsvariation underlättas av en biblioteksfunktion?
Start date: 2019-09-02 — End date: 2020-02-28
Funder: Sparbanksstiftelsen - Sjuhärad
Working life & Welfare. Sustainable governance, organization and management in welfare, SOLWE
Our focus is social and care science research of working life and welfare with a special focus on sustainable governance, organization and manag...
Studies on professional knowledge and education (SPE)
Studies on professional knowledge and education is a national and interdisciplinary node for research, professional education, collaboration and de...